Do you have an upcoming court date? Many cases were re-scheduled in early March, 2020 due to COVID and some of those cases still do not have new court dates. We will be facing a long back log due to this COVID and our office will continue to engage in the mediation process as an alternative to court.
Domestic Violence cases are considered essential cases by the courts so we are still handling those matters under a "business as usual" code of operation.
Private arbitration is an option if your case is going on too long because of the back log. Private arbitration is the hiring of a lawyer to act as a judge. Your case proceeds just as it would in court but in a conference room instead. The NC Family Law Arbitration Act is the source for the rules associated with arbitration.
At this juncture, Arbitration is such a great alternative to appearing in court.
The difference between arbitration and mediation can be explained simply in that mediation is not binding on the parties unless they both mutually agree to be bound by the agreement and arbitration is where a legal decision is handed down by a private "judge", the arbitrator.