Judicial Settlement Conferences -You Should Know This
Judicial Settlement Conferences
Judicial Settlement Conferences
Separating during COVID
Today, a mother was drinking and driving in Durham, North Carolina and she crashed her car and two children were killed. Did you know that, in many instances, Wake County judges do not issue emergency orders when there are allegations (and even proof) of drinking/driving/drug use? According to ...
Internet Protection
Co-Parenting and Custody Thoughts from the North Carolina Judicial Branch of Government
Talking to Kids About COVID
Supervised Visits at Time Together During COVID
Tele-Visit Tip Sheet
How To File a Domestic Violence action The judges in Wake County are still in court and still available to help you if you are a victim of Domestic Violence. There are resources for you and your children and you can file a Do-It-Yourself action or you can contact a lawyer for help. Be safe.
Top 5 Tips for Case Management
Separation Agreements and Custody provisions
Interact of Wake County is offering services during COVID
Mediation, Arbitration and the Difference
Memorandum Regarding Custody Exchanges during COVID
Contact the office via video conferencing
During this difficult time, many will suffer financial hardships. We are attaching form letters for your use to send to creditors during a time when there may be difficulty making your regularly due payments. It is our sincere hope that your health and well-being remain good and use these forms.
Parent Coordinator Statute
Retirement benefits can be complicated and a QDRO is needed.
Bills Pending a Permanent Resolution
Sample Family Support Agreement
Step Parents and Custody
The issue of contempt begins with a valid court order and the party who alleges a violation of an Order must actually file a Motion for Contempt. A Motion for Contempt typically alleges that the violating party is in both Civil and Criminal Contempt. Upon filing for a Motion for Contempt, the...
It is important that you join your spouse's corporation pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §50-20 and Rule 19 of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure. Click Here to Read UNC School go Government Blog
Wake County judges are typically not only limiting the time allotted for your case but the judges are also applying a 50/50 presumption meaning shared legal and physical custody is presumed to be in the best interests of children.As a result of this presumption, it is difficult to change a judge'...
Communication between parties may be cumbersome if you are using the text messages as evidence. We use a very specific program to download the messages into a readable format so that the judge may reference the documents easily. Click here to Learn how to Download Text Messages